Saturday 1 September 2012

First ever blog!!

Ok, so this is my first ever blog, so we'll see how it goes... ;)
My name's jemima (but i've had a variety of nicknames), i LOVE chicken tika masala and mint aero, and i've  hated mango chutney since forever (well, to be more precise, since an unfortunate experience involving a very hungry me, and a very tasty looking jar of what i could only presume was marmalade... but wasn't).
I've never done a blog before so i don't know exactly what i'm going to be talking about (it'll be a mix of stuff), but first i want to talk to you guys about a dress i made recently.
For a while i've been drawing designs for clothes, and have always been interested in fashion, but i never actually made anything, because 1: i didnt think i would have the skills to made anything of any real quality, and 2. i couldnt be bothered to go through the effort of learning, because i thought it would take a long time to get good. But suddenly everything changed... dun dun diun... so i was watching season 9 of project runway (great show :p, <3 it) and everyone kept on saying how Anya had only been sewing for 3 months, so it was really unlikely she would get very far, but she kept on getting through and doing really well, and then she won... so i was like 'ok well now you have no excuse not to try and make anything, because if she can win project runway having only known how to sew for 3 months, i think you'll be able to make a simple dress or something'. (obviously i said this in my head... yes i may talk to myself which is slightly odd, but it's ok 'cuz i do it in my head :) )

Right, so, this ^ is the dress i made, worn by my beautiful model (otherwise known as my sister laura). Awefully bad quality (as you may or may not be able to tell) but for a first try i was quite pleased. What do you think??? 
Also if any of you happen to be amazing clothes-makers, any tips/advice would be great!! 
Byee!! xx

( had to add this photo ^ even though it doesnt show the whole dress, 'cuz i love it :) )


  1. The pics dont really show the dress, so no advise this time.

    However its really good for a first time, but again cant really see the whole thing! Love the movement at the bottom and the texture and colors with the light!!

    Would love to give some more advise in the future so please keep on designing, making and blogging!!

    All the best! Xx

    1. ok,thanks for the feedback!! i will keep it in mind for next time, please keep reading! :)
